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WEB BLAKE2: Multicore Speed Demon for Hashing

Enhanced Performance for Multicore Systems

WEB BLAKE2 blazes ahead with its 4-way parallel BLAKE2bp and 8-way parallel BLAKE2sp, delivering unparalleled performance on multicore or SIMD architectures. This groundbreaking code package provides a comprehensive suite of C implementations for BLAKE2b, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2s, and BLAKE2sp.

Versatile and Adaptable

WEB BLAKE2 empowers users with advanced features such as keying, salting, personalization, and hash tree modes. It boasts flexible output digest lengths, ranging from 1 to 64 bytes for BLAKE2b and up to 32 bytes for other variants, catering to diverse application requirements.

Security and Speed at Your Fingertips

WEB BLAKE2 epitomizes both speed and security, offering a robust solution for fast and secure hashing operations. Its speed makes it an ideal choice for time-sensitive tasks, while its security ensures data integrity and protection.
